Miranda For Mac

Shop Royal Albert Miranda Kerr for Collection online at Macys.com. Supermodel Miranda Kerr brings her love of peonies, butterflies and pastel and sorbet colors to this fine china collaboration with Royal Albert. Every Wednesday, Miranda July goes to her old home, a modest two-bedroom in Echo Park she has kept for over 15 years, and stays the night. Exifer for macbook. Initially, she felt more anxious about the arrangement.

  1. Miranda Macdougall
  2. Miranda Forms For Police
  3. Miranda Macdougall Age

Miranda Macdougall

The film comes in a year in which July’s overall career has been celebrated. This past April, her 2005 directorial debut “Me and You and Everyone We Know” was indoctrinated into the Criterion Collection; in the same month, Prestel released an extensive book documenting all of July’s art pieces across different mediums. Even during quarantine, July was busy collaborating with her Instagram followers to make the short film project “Jopie.”


Live suite for mac. RogerEbert.com spoke to July about her life of creativity, the outsiders in the film, what she’d tell her 2005 self, and more.

I wanted to ask you questions in general about creativity. I’ve always wondered, are you ever afraid of not having ideas?

Yeah, totally. That is the big fear [laughs]. I sort of coax myself down from that tree with various techniques that I’ve honed over the years because it’s just the most paralyzing thought, right? But yeah, that continues to be a large part of the work. Just sort of, often sitting with not knowing what comes next.

Miranda Forms For Police

Can you share any techniques that help you break out of that fear?

I just have to say the really dumb, obvious thing, which is that the internet doesn’t help. The hardest part is often just beginning, and the whole goal of the internet is to just keep you in it. I do put my phone in a timed lock box, you can find those online, they’re really handy. And then I use Freedom for Mac, on the computer itself. And then I always sort of try to be gentle with myself. I’m a real taskmaster, so I have to be conscious of that. And if I am having trouble, I’ll be sort of like, “What would be pleasurable? Do you want to take a walk? Do you want to walk to get something nice to put in your mouth?” To actually be kind. Because the truth is that no one is going to have a good idea with a gun to their head, and we do that to ourselves again and again, and it’s ridiculous.

There's been a moment in every makeup lovers's journey in which they will lay on one too many swipes of lipstick, over-lining your lips to bleed into mustache territory. For some, it's a beauty nightmare, but others, say YouTube star Miranda Sings, launch a lipstick inspired by her infamous beauty 'mistake'. As you can imagine, it comes in a bright red shade called 'Miranda Red'.

'People have been telling me to make a Miranda lipstick since I started the character,' she said in an announcement video. She'd mentioned that she'd been on the hunt for the right company to work with to create the perfect lipstick for fans.

In the very misspelled Miranda way, she left a note under the product description:

'I got to make my own lipstik becuz im so famus. It’s so beutiful. It’s read, duh. Bye it or else, ok?Oh and make sure to take pitchurs of urselfs and tag me in them so I can tell u if you applied it right.'

Can anyone else hear her voice in their head while reading that? Yeah, same.

Miranda Macdougall Age

On the other hand, the 'lipstik' from Miranda wasn't the only product to get a spotlight on the site. The creator of the popular YouTube persona, Colleen Ballinger, designed one plush pinky muave shade called 'Daisy Mae' for herself.

Named after the combination of her cat's name and her middle name, Daisy Mae is described as a nude berry shade. According to the site, got a lot of pigment, it's long wearing, full coverage, and cruelty-free. That's a lot to love.


Both lipsticks retail for $18 and they're available on the dedicated Miranda Sings Lipstik site right now.

In an announcement video, Ballinger said she chose to make the Daisy Mae shade in a color that best reflected her style. 'I like to have a pinky, rosy nude that just looks natural and pretty,' she said. 'I wanted to make a lipstick that reflected who I am and something that anyone can wear.' Can I get an 'Amen?'


Ballinger also says that her Miranda Red Lipstik is the exact hue she's sported in all of her videos.

'The first thing that was really important to me was that it was out before Halloween,' she said on YouTube. The YouTuber found that many tried to imitate her bold red lip around this time of year and didn't have a specific go-to. So now even you can rock your own overdrawn Miranda mouth this Halloween, if you're in the mood.

The lipstick's packaging features a mock version of the character's iconic combo. A buttoned down striped shirt cap and a red base. It's really adorable to be honest.

With someone as famous and talented as Miranda, you can bet this lipstick will be freakin' amazin', OK?