Zotero For Mac

About Zotero

Zotero is a free downloadable citation manager that easily grabs information from the web. Zotero allows users to save, organize and share references. You can also insert properly formatted citations directly into documents using Zotero’s Word add-in.

Basic Zotero Setup

Zotero For Mac

To get started with Zotero, complete the following 3 steps:

Zotero For Mac
  1. Register for a free Zotero account.
  2. Download Zotero 5.0 AND a Zotero browser connector. This short tutorial shows how to download Zotero 5.0 and the Zotero Connector.
  3. Set up Sync.
    • Open your Zotero client.
    • If using a PC, select Edit on the top horizontal menu, then choose Preferences.
      If using a Mac, select Zotero on the top application menu, then choose Preferences.
    • Select Sync in the top horizontal toolbar.
    • Input your Zotero username and password (what you created on www.zotero.org).

Integrating Zotero with Word Processors

Moreover, Zotero automatically indexes the full-text content of your library, enabling you to find exactly what you're looking for with just a few keystrokes. Detailed instructions on how to install and use the Zotero add-on on your Mac are available HERE. Zotero is cross-platform and it works on. Connecting Zotero to W&L’s Holdings. To take advantage of Zotero’s Library Lookup function, you must add an openURL resolving link to your Zotero 5.0 client. Follow the below procedure: Open Zotero 5.0. If using a PC, select Edit on the top horizontal menu, then choose Preferences. If using a Mac, select Zotero on the top application menu, then choose Preferences.

Zotero is capable of integrating with Word, LibreOffice and Google Docs. Zotero’s Word Plugin should install automatically when you download Zotero 5.0. Once the the Zotero client is installed, a Zotero tab should appear within Word.

Downloading Additional Citation Styles

The Zotero client comes with several popular citation styles pre-installed, such as APA, Chicago and MLA.

If you need to use a style that does not come pre-loaded in Zotero, just…

  • Navitage to www.zotero.org/styles on the computer on which Zotero is installed.
  • Search for your desired style.
  • Select the style you want.
    • On a PC, click on a hyperlinked style and select Install from the resulting popup box.
    • On a Mac,
      • Click on your desired style. The style file will then appear in your computer’s Downloads folder.
      • Within the Downloads folder, select the appropriate file.
      • A popup box may appear that reads, Install Style. Select Install.

Capturing Online Data

Firefox, Safari, or Chrome users can easily capture online references and import them into Zotero by clicking Zotero’s browser icon, located near the address bar. If Zotero recognizes the “type” of item displayed on the screen, an item specific icon appears. For example, a folder icon represents a bibliographic list, a book icon represents information about a specific book, a document icon represents a specific article and a webcam icon represents a video.

Zotero icon location in Safari and Chrome

Zotero for mac download

Connecting Zotero to W&L’s Holdings

To take advantage of Zotero’s Library Lookup function, you must add an openURL resolving link to your Zotero 5.0 client. Follow the below procedure:

  • Open Zotero 5.0.
  • If using a PC, select Edit on the top horizontal menu, then choose Preferences.
    If using a Mac, select Zotero on the top application menu, then choose Preferences.
  • On the resulting popup box, click the Advanced tab.
  • Under the OpenURL section, copy and paste the following address into the Resolver field: https://wlu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/openurl?institution=01WLU_INST&vid=01WLU_INST:01WLU&
  • Choose OK. If you do not have an OK button, simply close out of the Preferences window.

Using Zotero in the Sciences

Zotero easily integrates with your word processor of choice ; but, some additional steps are required to ensure citations comply with scientific convention. For example, some scientific words must be italicized—such as Latin names of species.


If a title in your Zotero library contains a word/phrase that requires a particular style when included in a bibliography (when outputted from Zotero into your word processor), you must insert pre-designated HTML codes in Zotero.

Article Title:
Silk gene transcripts in the developing tubuliform glands of the Western black widow, Latrodectus hesperus
Merri L. Casem, Matthew A. Collin, Nadia A. Ayoub, and Cheryl Y. Hayashi

Zotero For Mac Word

In the above example, to ensure that Latrodectus hesperus remains italicized when included as a citation or bibliographic entry, the title must be written as <i>Latrodectus hesperus</i> in your Zotero library.

See the full list of rich text formatting tags at www.zotero.org/support/kb/rich_text_bibliography.

Troubleshooting Zotero

Having a problem setting up or using Zotero? One of these troubleshooting tips may solve your problem! If not, feel free to contact Emily Cook for help!


PROBLEM: My Word plug-in didn’t install after I downloaded it!

Zotero For Mac Catalina

SOLUTION: Microsoft Word may have been open during installation of the Zotero Word plugin. Save your documents and quit Word. Now, reopen Word. Your Zotero toolbar should appear. If not, try reinstalling the Zotero Word plugin with Microsoft Word closed–then reopen.

I have followed all the instructions about installing/reinstalling the Word plugin in order to reference citations from Word, but the Zotero options still not available. The Zotero.dotm file is where it is supposed to be, but not appearing in the Global Templates. Any help would be appreciated.
  • https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_troubleshooting#zotero_toolbar_doesn_t_appear
    Can you say exactly what you've done from these steps and what happened at each step?
  • I followed all the steps for the Word for Mac 2016 and ensured that the .dtom file is where it is supposed to be. I also went to Zotero and installed and re-installed the Word plugin from there. It says the installation was successful. I have started and restarted Word and my Mac several times, and still nothing.
  • edited January 22, 2020
    I'm afraid that's not specific enough. We really need you to list every step you tried, with specific file locations (you can x out your username), and what happened at each step.
    The troubleshooting steps are obviously intended to be comprehensive, so if they're not working for you, either there's something very unusual happening on your system or you've missed something. That's why we need you to be precise.
  • I did this:
    In Zotero, go to Tools → Add-ons → Extensions.
    Make sure “Zotero Word for Mac”, Zotero for Windows Integration“, and/or “Zotero LibreOffice Integration” are enabled. If any are not, click the “Enable” button.
    If the “Enable” button is grayed out and you are unable to click it, click the “Remove” button and restart Zotero.
    If you don't see the required integration plugin in the Extensions pane at all, then you should re-download and re-install Zotero. It is not necessary to uninstall Zotero before re-installing; simply install Zotero over the top of the existing installation. (Note: Re-installing Zotero rarely fixes problems and should not be used as a general troubleshooting step. This is one of the few instances where re-installation is helpful.)
    In the Cite pane of the Zotero preferences, open the “Word Processors” tab, click “Reinstall Microsoft Word Add-in” or “Reinstall LibreOffice Add-in”, and then restart your word processor.
    And then this:
    Open Word Preferences.
    Click View.
    Check “Show developer tab” and close the preferences dialog.
    In the new Developer tab click “Word Add-ins”.
    Make sure that “Zotero.dotm” is present under Global Templates and Add-ins“ and is checked.
    If the “Zotero.dotm” entry isn't present in the dialog, try reinstalling the Word plugin from Zotero. In Zotero, go to the Cite → Word Processors pane of the Zotero preferences, click the “Reinstall Word Components” button, and then restart Word.
    And this:
    In Finder, press Cmd-Shift-G and navigate to
    where you can find a copy of the Zotero.dotm file. If the folder is empty, the file was somehow deleted — possibly by security software — and you should reinstall Zotero.
    Find your Word startup folder by following the instructions below. You should now have two folders open: the Word startup folder and the “install” folder containing Zotero.dotm.
    Copy the Zotero.dotm file to your Word Startup folder. (Be sure to copy the file rather than moving it.)
    Start (or restart) Microsoft Word to begin using the plugin.
    I even have the Developer tab open and went to Add-ons there and it is not appearing in global templates like the instructions say.
  • I understand you think this is tedious, but I really am trying to help you here, and I'm not going to be able to do that unless you take the time to provide what I've asked for. We're aware of what's in our instructions, so simply copying that back at us isn't helpful.
    I asked you to say everything you tried, including specific file locations, and what happened at each step. That means, if there's an if/then, you need to describe which applied in your case. If the instructions say to check the startup folder, you need to say the full path where you're checking, what from the instructions made you think that was the correct path, and what exactly you saw in it.
    I'm sure you think you've followed the instructions correctly in full, and you very well may have, but that's not how support works. We need you to actually describe your interpretation of the instructions and how it related to what you saw on the screen, with all the implied assumptions spelled out.
    But to make things a little more concrete, can you start by providing 1) a Report ID from Zotero, 2) your exact Word version, 3) what it says for Startup in the File Locations preference pane in Word, 4) how you opened the startup folder, and 5) the timestamp and size of the Zotero.dotm file there?
  • I truly followed each of the items I listed. The .dotm file is located where the instructions list. I did not have to paste them in anywhere. It just is not appearing when in the References tab of Word, no matter how many different times I install/reinstall or start/restart. I have been using Zotero for about 6 months, so the fact that this isn't appearing is new.
    Here are the answers to the questions:
    1. 1293947303
    2.Word for Mac 16.33
    4. I looked in Zotero using Command+shift+G
    5. Timestamp is April 11, 2019
  • edited January 23, 2020
    Right, so this is why we ask for specifics from you, not a copy of our own instructions.
    3. /Applications/Zotero.app/Contents/Resources/extensions/zoteroMacWordIntegration@zotero.org/install
    That's absolutely incorrect for the Word Startup folder, it's something you would've had to have configured manually, and nowhere in the instructions does it say to do so. You should reset that from the File Locations dialog, which should blank it out and cause Word to use the default location listed on the manual installation page. Make sure a copy of Zotero.dotm exists in that directory, and then see if the plugin appears in Word.
    It just is not appearing when in the References tab of Word, no matter how many different times
    If you really mean that, that's not where Zotero buttons have ever shown up in Word. They show up in a separate Zotero tab in the ribbon when things are properly installed.
  • If you had started with the specifics we could've saved 2 days. This is why I asked for support help, not to be berated for asking for help. I apologize that I'm not as technical as you.
    I did not have the Zotero tab, so that's why I was looking at the References tab. After making the changes you kindly suggested above, the Zotero tab is appearing. However, it is not recognizing that I have Zotero open. It is saying Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure Zotero is open and try again.
  • I asked you for a description of everything you've done and specific file locations two days ago. We don't expect you to have technical knowledge, and it's fine to get something wrong, but we do need you to provide the information we ask for in order to help you. Our instructions are written very precisely, so as I said earlier, if something isn't working, there may be a misunderstanding, which is why we ask people to take the time to explain, in their own words and with details specific to their computer, what they've done.
    It is saying Word could not communicate with Zotero.
    Start by reinstalling Zotero from the download page into Applications, and then reinstall the Word plugin from the Cite → Word Processors pane of the Zotero preferences. Then restart Word and, if it's still not working, let us know the size and timestamp of the Zotero.dotm file in your Word Startup folder.